Save Local Waters which is supported by the Regional Storm Water Collaborative of Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky is supporting the 2022 SLC Event through their subscription to the Litterati App. If you have a smart phone please download the app and join our SLC 2022 Challenge!
1. Download the free Litterati app on your mobile device using the App Store or Google Play. Open the app and click "I'm New." 2. Review & Agree to the terms. 3. You will be asked, "Do you have a challenge code?" Enter the code you receive from us after you register for the event. 4. The app will immediately open to the in-app camera. Click the top left down arrow to your "Community" and the main menu. 5. Next, you need to "Claim Your Account"to save your progress and track litter activities; you will also have access to all tools and data. *If you don't claim your account, your data will not be saved to the SLC Challenge. 6. Make sure your phone's settings allows the Litterati app to access your location & camera while using the app. 7. The SLC Challenge - April 23, 2022 - Collect as much litter as you can using Litterati!
For more info on the Litterati App, watch these how-to videosfor tips & tricks!
Not ready to download the app?
You can report your clean-up activities using the form below. If you can't get out to pick up litter, you can let us know about hot spots in your community that need attention. You can also post pictures and information via Twitter using the hashtag: #SLC2022Challenge.